Taylor Denouden

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Functions for computing metrics commonly used in the field of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection
Python 44 1
Interactive exploration of MNIST variational autoencoder latent space with React and tensorflow.js.
Jupyter Notebook 39 2
A Pytorch Dataloader for tif image files that dynamically crops the image.
Python 12 2
K-means and hierarchical clustering library.
JavaScript 9 2
Linear algebra methods for vectors written in pure Python.
Python 1 0
Keras implementation of "Universal Style Transfer via Feature Transforms" by Li et. al.
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3
Effectively compresses PNG images using K-means clustering
Python 1 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.